IN 2097 Master Course Computer Networks, Winter 2009

General Information

General information about the course can be found at the website of the chair.

Office Hours

Christian Grothoff - Boltzmannstr. 3, Room 03.05.040
Drop in or by appointment.


The different kinds of assignments are weighted as follows:

Project 125 Pts
Project 225 Pts
Oral Exam75 Pts or 50 Pts

If you submit both projects (doing better than on the oral exam), your grade will be computed 25/25/50. If you submit only one project, your grade will be computed 25/75.


I recommend that you use a Debian GNU/Linux system for this class.

Submission of Assignments

Each student will get access to a subversion repository. Assignments must be committed to that repository by the respective deadline. Students are encouraged to use the repository for version control while still working on the assignment. Only the last version commited before the deadline will be used for grading.

For group projects, you should e-mail the logins of the group members and a project name to our system administrator. You will then be given the name of a directory to which all group members have access.

Course Materials

02.11.2009: Socket Programming

Socket Programming slides
Project Description

24.11.2009: IPv6

IPv6 slides

Christian Grothoff
Last modified: Wed Jan 7 16:56:29 MST 2009