IN 2097 Master Course Computer Networks, Winter 2012
General Information
General information about the course can be found at the
website of the chair.
Office Hours
- Christian Grothoff - Boltzmannstr. 3, Room 03.05.040
- Drop in or by appointment.
Course Materials
19.10.2012: Introduction
- Assignment
- Project description
5.11.2012: Socket programming and SCTP
- Slides
- Socket programming & SCTP slides
9.11.2012: HTTP, SOCKS and Project discussion
- Slides
- HTTP & SOCKS slides
16.11.2012: DNS
- Slides
23.11.2012: IPv6
- Slides
- IPv6 slides
Christian Grothoff
Last modified: Wed Oct 15 16:56:29 MST 2012