BTI 7262 Telematik, HS 2017

Allgemeine Informationen

Die Vorlesung basiert auf einer bestehenden Modulkonzeption von Prof. Gerhard Hassenstein und Materialien von Prof. Hansjürg Wenger. Diese Inhalte und die verlinkten Dokumente dieser Webseite dürfen nicht ohne Zustimmung der Autoren über andere Webserver, Cloud-Dienste, Datei-Freigaben usw. zugänglich gemacht werden!
Der vorgängige Besuch des Moduls 7261 "Security Basics and Applied Cryptography" ist verpflichtend. Dieses Modul ist Pflichtmodul im Schwerpunkt "IT Security"; entsprechende Credits können nur für diesen Schwerpunkt angerechnet werden.
Vorlesungen sind ab dem 22.09.2017 immer Freitags von 8:20-11:55 und 12:45-16:10 in Biel im Raum N.321.
Bei Fragen können Sie mich gerne jederzeit kontaktieren: Christian Grothoff, in Biel, Höheweg 80, Raum N.474.


Im Laufe dieses Moduls werden die folgenden Themen und Lehrinhalte behandelt:

Experiment (Labor)

Instructions and lab resources:

CodeSonar Lab

For the CodeSonar (cs) lab, download and unpack the cs package (given above) for your architecture. Then add codesonar-4.4-p0/codesonar/bin/ to your PATH. Use ssh -L 8080: to create a tunnel to the CodeSonar hub running on Note that you will not get a shell with the ssh command, but just see dots being printed.
Next, run codesonar config, using for the IP address and 8080 for the port. Use this as the default hub, allow parallel analysis, do not use an analysis cloud, do use the local computer for analysis, and use "/" for the group. You can specify "csonar" for the user on the hub, but as you do not have the password for that user, the next step will then fail (but that is OK). Exit the tool.
Create a directory $HOME/csonar-data. Prepare everything for the build of some project called PROJECTNAME. Run the build first with make to make sure it works, then clean up using make clean. Finally run codesonar analyze $HOME/csonar-data/PROJECTNAME make to analyze the code (in the respective build directory).
CodeSonar will tell you where you can find the analysis results at the end of the run. Login using the user name u7340. The password is USER:PASSWORD where USER and PASSWORD are the well-known password for the slides on this page.
Suggested projects to analyze include:

Please analyze projects in teams of two students, and let other students know which projects you are looking at to avoid duplication! You are welcome to look at other projects, as long as they are free software and less than 100k LOC and have some relevance for security due to exposure to untrusted inputs.
You should try to write a patch for all issues discovered (not just security issues) and submit them to the authors. Practice responsible disclosure. Report your most interesting discoveries in class.


Mündliche Schlussprüfung (30 Minuten)


Es wird dringend angeraten, für den Kurs eine moderne GNU/Linux Distribution, z.B. Debian GNU/Linux, vorab installiert zu haben.


22.09.2017: Introduction

29.09.2017: Information Security und Internet Security

Security News
DNSSEC: ICANN verschiebt Schlüsselwechsel in der Root-Zone
Einführung, Folien, Folien, Folien
Information Asset Registry Template, Information Security Management, SANS Critical Security Controls, Hacking Team Customer List

06.10.2017: Hacking Basics

Security News
Twitter räumt möglichen Missbrauch durch russische Bots ein, Russian hackers stole NSA tools using Kaspersky antivirus: report
Folien, Folien
Techno-Terror, /etc/shadow, password policies

13.10.2017: Layered Security

Security News
TLS 1.3: Security-Devices verhindern die Einfürung

20.10.2017: Host and Network Security

Security News
Severe flaw in WPA2, Millions of high-security crypto keys crippled by newly discovered flaw
SANS IPv4 TCP/IP and tcpdump, ISC IPv6 TCP/IP and tcpdump

27.10.2017: Linux netfilter - iptables Firewall

Security News
Malware NotPetya schmälert Mercks Umsatz
Folien, PEP
RedHat configuration guide

03.11.2017: DNSSEC und DNS RPZ Firewalls

Folien 1, Folien 2
DNS poisoning

10.11.2017: Name resolution privacy

Name Resolution

17.11.2017: GNUnet

Security News
Widespread impact caused by Level 3 BGP route leak
The GNUnet System

24.11.2017: Security Tools & Exam Preparation

Tools 1, Tools 2, Exam preparation

01.12.2017: Accountability

Security News
Die AAA-Bürger

25.1.2018: Dezentralisierung

Weitere Informationen
Values of Internet Technologies

Christian Grothoff